View What Is Playing On A Screen

See which messages are currently playing on a specific screen

Step 1: Go to ‘YOUR SCREENS’ in menu bar

Step 2: Click on a single screen to see all messages scheduled to that screen.

In the image below you are able to see all of the messages scheduled to the specific screen selected. This helps track and maintain what is playing.


From here you can also click on the green edit pencil to edit the messages displaying on the screen. Additionally, you can click the red circle to remove the message from the screen and have it stop displaying.

Step 3: Understand the status of messages displaying on your screen

Users can easily know which stage each message is by looking at the status column – made clear by the red square.

There are different icons for each stage of the message’s scheduling:

On Rotation – this is any message currently scheduled to play on your screen/s
Scheduled for later – this is any message which has a start date in the future
Ended – this is any message who’s end date has past and is no longer playing
Rejected – this is any message that has been rejected by the Administrator
Without screen – this is any message without a screen selected for the Message to play on